Fry Club JFC U9’s v Warmley Ranger B

HML U9’s Division B & C Cup match (Group D) – 4th March 2007

Fry Club – KO 10:30


Frys “SAIL” through to the Knockout stages!


After all the bad weather I had expected the game to be postponed for the 2nd time but by some miracle the weather held off and all the heavy rain predicted hadn’t fallen (AS YET!)

There had been a short burst of heavy rain just before kick off but after consulting the Warmley manager we had both agreed the pitch was fit for play and so we did!



Warmley took the kick off and made good early progress towards our goal and with some of our players still not fully at the game we find ourselves a goal down in an instant! Frys were caught napping & with 3 Warmley players clear through there was only ever going to be one outcome!  1-0 Warmley.


We then take the kick after conceding and within seconds we have given the ball back to Warmley and again we are on the back foot! I had told the players this was going to be a tougher game than expected but I didn’t realise just how tough! We spent the first 6 or 7 minutes up against it until finally we managed to get a foot on the ball and make our first meaningful attack. Callum had done well at the back and played a good ball to Matt, with a 1-2 with Ashley Matt set off on a run and played a ball into the danger area only for it to elude Jack & Harry running in.

From that goal kick Frys quickly won the ball back and played some neat one touch football of which the end result saw Jack Sheehan running clear, Jack made no mistake and bought the game back level at 1-1.


The game then welcomed in the weather!! From damp and breezy to monsoon type rain with Antarctica style winds all in the blink of an eye and the game lost its spark. Both Warmley and Frys alike struggled to make the ball do any work until the last few moments of the first half. With both teams just seeming content on seeing out the half without taking risks Warmley broke that code of conduct with some neat interplay, and with a well placed ball through the middle a Warmley striker pounced and lashed the ball into the bottom corner to put them in command. H/T Frys 1 – Warmley 2.


At half time I told the boys that I could see it was hard but told them they had to just dig in, I asked them to give it their best go and try and bring it back level but if nothing else, let’s not concede another.


The 2nd half was more a battle of the midfield with little real goal mouth action. Frys probably just edged the “Gilt Edge” chances with Harry & Jack going close and Matthew & Ashley alike only being allowed a couple of long range efforts. Warmley’s only real chance came midway through the half when they won a free kick a few yards outside our box but a tremendous strike by the Warmley striker was met by Ashley’s back much to his dislike! Damp balls hit at pace and wet shirts don’t mix from my own experience and Ashley certainly wasn’t arguing:-/

Full time Frys 1 – Warmley 2



TeamOliver(GK) - Callum – Ryan - Matthew – Ashley – Jack S – Harry (No subs used)

Player of the match – Matthew Notton – In a game that was severely effected by the weather and without taking away from the contributions of others, Matt was probably the only one on the day to cause our opts “Real” problems.




With our new regular keeper pulling out of the game through illness it was left to Harry to fill his boots and while the rest of the A team made their way to blankets and warm tea, Harry kindly took off his strikers top and went straight between the sticks. Hats off to him as he pulled us out of a tight spot but he must have been pretty cold after the 1st game and I just wanted to let him know my appreciation J


The game kicks off with few chances in the opening 10 minutes until Lewis relit the fire and began to show why he deserved today’s top player trophy. Its fair to say that Warmley had had the better of the game to this point but with Sarah(rolled up sleeves an’ all)  and Tom  H in such fine form at the back, they had found it near impossible to break our resistance and all of a sudden we were back level. Aaron & Charlie had linked up well in midfield which led to a well placed ball to Lewis’s feet and as with many times before this season, he slotted home to fire us into a game 2 lead 1 – 0 Frys  (2-2 Overall)


Frys then quickly dispossessed Warmley from their 11th minute retake and Lewis again went through to score his 2nd in a minute and to put the game in our favour for the first time today. 2-0 Frys (3-2 Frys)


Again from the restart Warmley were quickly dispossessed of the ball and again Lewis was in on goal with a chance to make it a hatrick in less than 3 minutes but the keeper managed to parry it out for a corner.


With clear intentions Frys began to press Warmley and but for an occasional clearance Warmley were virtually penned in to their own half. With all the dominance it was no surprise that in the 16th minute Lewis again popped up to grab his hatrick and to finally give us some breathing space. 3-0 Frys (4-2 overall)


Warmley then kicked off and tried to get back in to the game but Harry in goal was in no mood to let this game slip by making a couple of fine saves before Frys delivered the killer blow with the last kick of the half. With Warmley pressing hard the ball broke to Aaron who sprinted clear and made no mistake to put Frys totally in command at

4-0 and 5-2 overall (H/T)


Frys took the KO and immediately made an impact with some clever play within the midfield. Charlie played the ball to Tom G and in turn it was played to Lewis and again he made no mistake to put this game all our own way  5-0 Frys (6-2 overall)


Warmley then put on a couple of fresh players that gave them a little lift in spirit but this was all dampened again with another 2 goals in less than a minute. Aaron made it a brace for the day in the 25th minute before Lewis added another to end his day with 5 in the 26th minute. 7-0 Frys (8-2 overall)


Warmley then grabbed a consolation in the 30th minute before substitute Danny G made his own mark by getting goals in the 36th & 37 minutes to wrap up the game with some style

FTFry Club 9  v Warmley 1


OVERALL – Fry Club 10  v  Warmley 3



TeamHarry(GK) – Sarah – Tom H – Tom G – Charlie – Aaron– Lewis – SUBS USED – Scott D, Danny G


Player of the match – Lewis Ellington – swung the game in our favour starting with the 2 goals midway through the 1st half. Not content on sitting back he went on to score 5 and have a hand in 2 of the other goals – A totally startling display!


Manager’s thoughts

It was probably hard on Warmley to be beaten so heavily. For 55 minutes this game was a very close encounter but some magical play by our leading goal scorer gave us an advantage which we didn’t waste. Probably the best moment for me was nothing to do with the result or the goals but it was when I looked to the defence and saw Sarah rolling up her sleeves in a very determined fashion. This epitomised our team ethics and made for a very determined display, it may seem like nothing that other players don’t do but when the icy rain is driving in your face !!!


Unfortunately at the same time our A team lost the unbeaten streak that stretches back to October 2006, while many would be a little down beat about this I would say that with the cup games due then I’m happy it happened as it serves as a reminder to the A team that they “CAN” get beat even though a couple of the players don’t think so!


All in all it was again a very positive day for the Under 9’s. One that saw us finish top of our very tough group with a 100% success rate. Only 1 other team from the 32 entrants can say that.  We have certainly moved on in giant strides from the team of last season and I can only again re state that it’s a joy to watch.


Well done SQUAD, a great performance despite the weathers efforts.



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